Explore Missions: Spin Off
The Mill and the Mountain Spin Off Cover Image
CineCoup: Spin Off Video - The Mill and the Mountain
The Mill and the Mountain is spin-off ready. We've started planning our sequel and graphic novel. Our concept could expand into TV series.
The Mill and the Mountain - Graphic Novel
The Mill and the Mountain - Graphic Novel
Did you grow up reading comics? We did. Share some of your favourite comics/graphic novels in the comment section.
Sue Simson meets Jake Kinney for the first time
Sue Simson meets Jake Kinney for the first time
The Driver searches Vancouver's Downtown Eastside
The Driver searches Vancouver's Downtown Eastside
We shot a scene from our sequel for this mission and then transformed them into a graphic novel
Sue Simson confronts The Driver
Sue Simson confronts The Driver
Some theorize that the Highway of Tears murders/disappearances may be due to human trafficking. We want to explore that in our sequel.
Sue's in danger
Sue's in danger
Bwaaaaa! Run, Sue, run!
Our sell sheet ready to go for Cannes!
New from CineCoup! There's a reason why we're called "The Great Canadian Thriller"