Explore Missions: Off The Wall
Alien Abduction Off The Wall Cover Image

Choose the Best Movie Poster

Help Alien Abduction find their stickiest poster by choosing the best version below

Poster A
492 Votes (72.2%)
Poster B
189 Votes (27.8%)

Photographer Aaron Smedley - Poster Photography
Photographer Aaron Smedley - Poster Photography
Aaron Smedley is a Vancouver based photographer originally from the U.K who has done stills photography for all of the Granger Bros films.
Graphic Artist Nikki Wallin - Poster Graphics
Graphic Artist Nikki Wallin - Poster Graphics
Nikki Wallin is a Vancouver based graphics artist and actress who the Granger Bros met through the #SaveBCFilm movement.
The O.G.
The O.G.
Original concept poster for AA. Photographed between takes on the set of the AA trailer by Aaron Smedley. Graphics by Nikki Wallin.